FBP50121 Diploma of Food Science and Technology

CRICOS Course Code: 108925B


FBP50121 Diploma of Food Science and Technology reflects the role of workers who apply specialist knowledge and skills in food science and technology to food product development and to quality assurance of food manufacturing. They conduct a wide range of specialist tasks to develop, monitor and evaluate food products, including production trials.

Workers contribute to the modification of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and enterprise methods when necessary. They may also have a role in the planning new work and monitoring resources in their work area.


Although there are no stated entry requirements for FBP50121 Diploma of food Science and Technology in the FBP Training Package, international students must be 18 years of age and above, and provide evidence of the published entry requirements as stated below:

Pivotal Education specific course entry requirements for FBP50121 Diploma of Food Science and Technology for international students are as follows:

  • Academic
    • Australian Year 12 or equivalent of Australian HSC;
  • English Language
    • IELTS 5.5 band overall or equivalent (with no band less than 5.0) or equivalent

Any relevant AQF qualification at the Certificate III level or above such as FBP30121 Certificate III in Food Processing delivered and assessed in English only will be deemed as meeting both the academic and English language entry requirements


After successfully achieving FBP50121 Diploma of Food Science and Technology, candidates may develop their pathway to relevant further studies at the bachelor level.


The total duration for FBP50121 Diploma of Food Science and Technology is 52 weeks:

  • 40 weeks (4 x 10-week terms)
  • 12 weeks term break


The Diploma qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply integrated technical and theoretical concepts in a broad range of contexts and undertake skilled or paraprofessional work. The Diploma is suitable for supervisors, managers and specialist job roles. The Diploma serves also as a pathway for further learning.

Graduates may work as any of the following:

  • Food product developer/designer
  • Quality assurance supervisor/manager
  • Operations manager
  • Food product commercial manager
  • Food Technologist


FBP50121 Diploma of Food Science and Technology consists of twenty (20) units of competency:

  • 11 core units, plus
  • 9 elective units

Unit CodeUnit Title C/E
BSBWHS411Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programsCore
FBPFST4004Perform microbiological procedures in the food industryCore
FBPFST5002Identify and implement required process control for a food processing operationCore
FBPFST5005Examine the biochemical properties of foodCore
FBPFST5006Apply food microbiological techniques and analysisCore
FBPFST6001Develop, manage and maintain quality systems for food processingCore
FBPFSY4001Supervise and maintain a food safety planCore
FBPFSY5001Develop a HACCP-based food safety planCore
FBPTEC4007Describe and analyse data using mathematical principlesCore
MSL975038Conduct sensory analysisCore
MSMENV472Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practicesCore
FBPFST4006Apply food preservation technologiesElective
FBPFST5003Construct a process control chart for a food processing operationElective
FBPFST5007Monitor the development and implementation of a food QA systemElective
FBPTEC4002Apply principles of food packagingElective
FBPTEC4004Apply basic process engineering principles to food processing Elective
FBPTEC4005Apply an understanding of food additivesElective
FBPTEC4008Participate in product recallsElective
FBPTEC5001Manage and evaluate new product trialsElective
FBPTEC5002Manage utilities and energy for a production processElective


Pivotal Education delivers in the following locations:

Mode of DeliveryLocationFacilities & Equipment
Theory Based – classroom84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010  Full campus facilities:
– classrooms
– internet access
– white boards
– student common room
– library access
– self-study areas
– student amenities
Practical Application – simulated industry environmentBiologics Innovation Facility
Level 0, UTS Vicki Sara Building (Building 7)
67 Thomas St
Broadway, NSW 2007
University of Technology
The UTS Biologics Innovation Facility (BIF) is an unmatched GMP bioprocessing teaching and training facility, designed to drive opportunities to up-skill and scale-up biopharmaceutical projects using state of the art single-use equipment and industry’s best practice processing techniques.


Students study full time mixed mode of delivery that integrates:

  • Classroom based training sessions to develop the knowledge and theoretical understandings required to undertake work within the food industry. Classroom settings ensure full access to internet, whiteboards and campus facilities. Attendance in classroom-based training sessions is mandatory and students who do not attend are not eligible to undertake practical training and assessment
  • Practical training is delivered and assessed in the BIF Facility University of Technology which is a fully simulated industry environment allowing for practical training and assessment to occur in a simulated environment. During the practical sessions, enough time is allocated to students to prepare, practice their skills, reinforce their knowledge and prepare themselves for the practical assessments. Attendance in practical training and experience is mandatory and students who do not attend are not eligible to undertake assessment
  • Blended learning – Students must complete blended learning every week using Canvas to complete research, knowledge preparation and formative assessment activities including associated review questions to enhance their understanding. This time is included in the scheduled hours of training per week. Blended learning is monitored and recorded to comply with Standard 8 National Code of Practice 2018
  • Self-study for class reading, assessment research, preparation and completion – In addition, successful completion of this course will require students to engage in the following self-study time that is essential to be undertaken in the student’s own time outside the scheduled 20 hours per week to include but not limited to:
    • Read the relevant chapters in their learning materials prior to class so that the theory presentation has some context and meaning as students will better understand the theory presentation
    • Answer the questions at the end of the relevant chapter prior to attending class so that the trainer can run through with the class integrated with the theory presentation
    • Research, preparation and completion of summative written assessment tasks
    • Practical assessment preparation
    • Any other additional reading and exploration of suggested resources


Students will be assessed using relevant assessment methods for each unit which includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Knowledge questions
  • Verbal questions
  • Projects
  • Portfolios
  • Practical demonstrations
  • Presentations

At the beginning of each unit of competency, students are provided with information for that unit of competency that clearly outlines the assessment tasks required including the criteria and due dates. Students that require reassessment will be required to pay a reassessment fee as published in the Schedule of Fees and Charges.


Students are required to undertake 20 scheduled hours per week during term time as follows:

  • 15 x hours per week face to face classes
  • 5 x hours per week integrated blended learning via Moodle

Students are allocated to scheduled classes based on class numbers and availability. Pivotal Education reserves the right to change the timetable where required.


Pivotal Education students are provided with resources on commencement of their course. This includes student learning and assessment resources accessed via Canvas and any required PPE equipment and consumables for practical training and assessment.

Pivotal Education students can also complete the online application to join the City of Sydney Library Service through the online website access at

The City of Sydney Library Services branches are located at the following:

  • Customs House Library
  • Glebe Library
  • Green Square Library
  • Haymarket Library
  • Kings Cross Library
  • Newtown Library
  • Pyrmont Link
  • Surrey Hills Library
  • Library Express
  • Ultimo Library
  • Waterloo Library

The conditions of membership are as follows:

  • Membership is free to all residents of New South Wales
  • Students must agree to abide by all City of Sydney Library Service policies and conditions of use and:
    • Accept responsibility for all items borrowed on the library card
    • Pay replacement costs plus processing charges for any items lost, stolen or damaged
  • Students must report lost/stolen cards to the City of Sydney Library Service immediately
  • Return borrowed items on or before the due date or check whether the item can be renewed
  • Respect the rights and security of staff and other library users
  • Notify the City of Sydney Library Service of any changes to contact details provided
  • Students can find further information by visiting the City of Sydney Library Service website at http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/library/Default.asp


Students that successfully complete all 20 units of competency as stated in the Course Structure will be issued with FBP50121 Diploma of Food Science and Technology by Pivotal Education. This qualification is recognised nationally under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Students that complete some but not all of the units of competency as stated in the Course Structure may be issued with a Statement of Attainment by Pivotal Education. It will identify only those units of competence that have been completed as part of the qualification and recognised nationally under the AQF.


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      Domestic Students
      +61 2 87552659

    • International Students

      International Students
      +61 2 87552665

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    • Business Hours

      Business Hours
      9:00 am to 8:00pm
      Monday to Friday