Pivotal Education Course Fees

Fee for Service Course Fees

Course Duration Fees Instalments
Leadership and Management BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management 36 weeks Tuition $7,750.00 Deposit: $1,500.00
Instalment 1: $1,500.00
Instalment 2: $1,500.00
Instalment 3: $1,500.00
Instalment 4: $1,500.00
Instalment 5: $750.00
Administration Fee (non-refundable) $250.00
Resource Fee $250.00
TOTAL $8,250.00
BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management 52 weeks Tuition $9,500.00 Deposit: $1,500.00
Instalment 2: $1,500.00
Instalment 3: $1,500.00
Instalment 4: $1,500.00
Instalment 5: $1,500.00
Instalment 6: $1,000.00
Administration Fee (non-refundable) $250.00
Resource Fee $250.00
TOTAL $10,000.00
Food Processing FBP10117 Certificate I in Food Processing 26 weeks Tuition $4,500.00 Initial Payment: $1,500.00
Instalment 2: $1,500.00
Instalment 3: $1,000.00
Instalment 4: $700.00
Resources $200.00
FBP20117 Certificate II in Food Processing 26 weeks Tuition $5,500.00 Initial Payment: $1.500.00
Instalment 2: $1.500.00
Instalment 3: $1,500.00
Instalment 4: $1,200.00
Resources $200.00
FBP30117 Certificate III in Food Processing 52 weeks Tuition $9,000.00 Initial Payment: $1,500.00
Instalment 2: $1,500.00
Instalment 3: $1,500.00
Instalment 4: $1,500.00
Instalment 5: $1,500.00
Instalment 6: $1,000.00
Instalment 7: $700.00
Resources $200.00
Process Manufacturing MSM30116 Certificate III in Process Manufacturing 52 weeks Tuition $8,000.00 Initial Payment: $1,500.00
Instalment 2: $1,500.00
Instalment 3: $1,500.00
Instalment 4: $1,500.00
Instalment 5: $1,200.00
Instalment 6: $1,000.00
Resources $200.00
Competitive Systems and Practice MSS30316 Certificate III in Competitive Systems and Practice 52 weeks Tuition $5,500.00 Initial Payment: $1,500.00
Instalment 2: $1,500.00
Instalment 3: $1,500.00
Instalment 4: $1,200.00
Resources $200.00
MSS40316 Certificate IV in Competitive Systems and Practice 36 weeks Tuition $6,000.00 Instalment: $1,500.00
Instalment 2: $1,500.00
Instalment 3: $1,500.00
Instalment 4: $1,000.00
Instalment 5: $700.00
Resources $200.00
Hospitality SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality 52 weeks Tuition $6,250.00 Initial Payment: $1,500.00
Instalment 2: $1,500.00
Instalment 3: $1,500.00
Instalment 4: $1,000.00
Instalment 5: $950.00
Resources $200.00
Transport & Logistics TLI30319 Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations 52 weeks Tuition $6,000.00 Initial Payment: $1,500.00
Instalment 2: $1,500.00
Instalment 3: $1,500.00
Instalment 4: $1,000.00
Instalment 5: $700.00
Resources $200.00

Course Fee Information

Enrolment Fee:

Total course Fee: Students who enrol in a Fee for Service course refer to published fee information and:

  • Agree to the published course fee prior to signing enrolment form
  • Understand that fees are not levied for credit transfer applications or transition for superseded qualifications
  • Fees may be paid in instalments that must be paid prior to completion of the course. Instalments of 3,4, or 6 payments need to be approved prior to enrolment
  • Pivotal Education reserves the right for potential fees to change during the course of study and will provide advice to students in advance.
  • All overdue fees must be paid before a statement of attainment / certificate is issued

Payment Methods:

Pivotal Education accepts the following payment methods for up-front fees:

Payment plans can be negotiated with Pivotal Education accounts department and can be fulfilled in the following way:

Refund Information


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