Trainers and Assessors


Pivotal Education trainers are experts in their industry field. Each has the prescribed professional and training qualification. All Pivotal trainers must have current vocational experience in their respective field. Although our customised training solutions ensure appropriate employment outcomes, however it is our team’s expertise and their passion that really makes the difference. We recognise that the contribution of a competent, motivated and confident employee is the key to the organisation’s success. Therefore, we customise our programs to meet your organisational needs and the needs respective regulatory requirements to ensure a positive outcome for all stakeholders.


Get in Touch

Have an enquiry or some feedback for us? Fill out the form below to contact our team.

    Pivotal Office
    Contact us
    • Domestic Students

      Domestic Students
      +61 2 87552659

    • International Students

      International Students
      +61 2 87552665

    • Email Enquiry

      Email Enquiry

    • Email Domestic

      Email Domestic

    • Email International

      Email International

    • Business Hours

      Business Hours
      9:00 am to 8:00pm
      Monday to Friday